7 May 2024, Tuesday, 17:41
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Vital Rymasheuski: No sober person will vote for these authorities

Vital Rymasheuski: No sober person will vote for these authorities
Vital Rymasheuski

The authorities make new steps to befuddle the Belarusians by lifting time restrictions on alcohol sales.

The statement was made by Vital Rymasheuski, a co-head of the organising committee to create Belarusian Christian Democracy party (BCD), charter97.org learnt from the BCD press service.

Belarusians shops are obliged to sell fruit wines and restaurants and cafés must expand their alcohol menues 1.5-2-fold, while prices of Belarusian alcoholic drinks are declining.

The primary goal – getting money from people – is obvious. Decreased prices for alcohol mean another step in alcoholisation of the people of Belarus. It will lead to more intensive alcoholisation of the Belarusians, an increase in the number of alcohol-related killings, car accidents and casual accidents.

The budget will get additional revenues in the short term, but it means that people will pay for it with their health and life.

This is a crime against the health of the nation and against the people of Belarus.

“Befuddling people takes place during the election campaign. This is an additional reason for the authorities to turn the Belarusians into drunk mob instead of citizens of the Republic of Belarus. It's clear that no sober person will vote for these authorities,” Vital Rymasheuski noted.

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