7 May 2024, Tuesday, 3:13
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What Putin and Lukashenka spoke about?

What Putin and Lukashenka spoke about?

The meeting of Aliaksandr Lukashenka and Russia’s president Vladimir Putin took place in Minsk, but the subject of the talks remained undisclosed.

Gazeta.ru reports of the meeting.

It started with the ruler’s participation in the opening of the new Great Patriotic War museum, after which they held two-party negotiations. However, the topic was not officially announced. Within the short time at the beginning of the negotiations, when videotaping was allowed, Putin and Lukashenka only spoke of the importance of the date of 3 July (70 years ago Minsk was liberated from the Nazis – ed.) and the combat brotherhood of the peoples.

Before that Lukashenka’s press-service reported that “the presidents would discuss a wide range of topic on bilateral relations, the integration topic, would exchange opinions on most pressing issues on the international agenda. Also the exchange of opinions was scheduled on the preparations to the ratification of the Eurasian Union Agreement, signed by the presidents of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia on 29 May in Astana, by the national parliaments”.

It their turn, the Kremlin’s press-service informed that special attention in the course of the talks between the two heads of states would be paid to urgent matters of trade and economic cooperation. Last year the turnover of goods between Belarus and Russia accounted to $39.7 billion (in 2012 - $43.8 billion, in 2011 - %38.6 billion, in 2010 - $27.9 billion).

At the end of the bilateral meeting, the negotiations continued in the form of a business lunch. At Lukashenka’s press-service they confirmed that the negotiations could continue late at night.

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