2 May 2024, Thursday, 15:16
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U.S. Defense Secretary Carter: Russia Needs to Return Crimea in Order to Stop its Isolation

U.S. Defense Secretary Carter: Russia Needs to Return Crimea in Order to Stop its Isolation

Russian Federation needs to stop its aggression in the east of Ukraine and renounce Crimea occupation if it wants to stop its international isolation.

As reported by Censor.NET citing Krym.Realii, U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said on Thursday, Oct. 8.

According to him, NATO will not distract from the Ukrainian issue due to Russia's activities in Syria, but will make it fulfill its Minsk obligations. The Defense Secretary said it had been discussed at the NATO defense ministers meeting.

Carter delivered an unusually forceful condemnation of Russian military action in Syria and Ukraine, saying Thursday that Moscow "has continued to wrap itself in a shroud of isolation," by ignoring international norms in annexing Crimea, fueling the fight in eastern Ukraine, and throwing its weight behind embattled Syrian strongman Bashar al-Assad.

The regime of Russian President Vladimir Putin is "tethering itself to a sinking ship of a losing strategy," by backing Assad militarily, Carter said after a morning of meetings with NATO allies in Brussels, Foreign Policy reports.

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